
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Update on Dito

Hi all, I assume by now you are all aware of the last 48 hours with Dito's health so I'll cut right to the most updated news we have as of 7:30. At this point the medically induced paralysis has been removed and Dito's body temperature has been brought back to a normal temp. After all of this they have not seen any neurological brain activity whatsoever. This comes as a blow because we were really hoping that once all of the initial procedures done were lifted he would be able to regain consciousness and have some normal brain activity. Unfortunately that is not the case. Ron and Cleo are choosing to wait until noon tomorrow to make a final decision on the next step (It was Dito's request that he not be left brain dead if he ever were to reach this condition). At this point there is nothing medically they can do for him. As for us, all we can do is pray that if this is not Dito's time God will intervene and give us some more time with Dito. If not, we need to pray for peace for friends and family, and understanding as we prepare to say goodbye to a dear friend. I am communicating with Natalie, Karla, and Jaylene Henderson who are all making trips to the hospital and getting updates from Ron and Cleo, and I will pass along what I do know as soon as I know it. Please pray. I will send updates as soon as I get them. Much Love, -Russ
