
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby Nutt is here!

What a wonderful, exciting, tiring, and miraculous time these last five weeks have been!! Life has certainly changed, but only for the better, of course :)

Going back to August 3, 2010, we went into the hospital at 5 am, dialated 1 cm. I was put on the IV at 6 and water was broken by 9. I had my epidural around lunch time (there was no need to be a champ for anyone, but rather, comfortable for me). By 5pm, I was dialated to 2 cm. As it turned out, after almost 12 hours trying to induce labor, Evan had pretty good control over what was happening and he did not want anything to change about his situation! He was completely content inside mom's belly and did not make a move at all to come out. So, that is how we ended up with a c-section and a baby at 5:54pm :) The doctor told us we could try to labor through the night if we wanted, but he thought we would still have ended up with a c-section in the morning because the baby was too big.

So here came Evan Russell at a solid 9 lbs. 8 oz., 21 3/4 in. long and wonderful!! From the beginning we have been blessed and fortunate to have a baby that is pretty much on a schedule, happy, calm, and easy going. For most of the first week, and since then, he has been a great sleeper at night. He will wake to eat and then go right back to sleep, usually for three to five hours at a time. He is usally in bed by 10 or 11 at night and then ready for morning awake time anywhere from 8 to 10 am. We've always been able to enjoy awake time during the day with him. From the start he would spend about an hour awake a couple times a day, and now we're up to two and three hour times. We learned quickly that he loves lights and windows. Since then, he has come to share smiles and giggles with the couch cushion, window curtains, and his mom and dad. I LOVE IT!!

Noises and cooing, along with smiles and laughs, began consistently happening about two weeks ago. We love this time and the fact that we can provoke smiles out of him. I love watching him listen to Russ laugh, because it always turns out a smile on Evan. He loves his daddy! I love listening to him lay in his bed in the morning and talk to the curtains. He loves the light that comes in behind them and he will just lay there and make noises. He misses no meals, and doesn't let me miss them eithere! He is already 12 pounds and has grown another two inches in the last five weeks. I would like him to stop growing so fast please! The pure innocence of his life right now is amazing and we are in awe at everything he is.

It's such a miracle to think of this little person as a product of us and our love and someone that I grew inside of me! He is a fully functioning human and we are so thankful to have had the experience of bringing him into this world! We often wonder how people can have children and still not believe in God. It's crazy!

So, obviously we are loving our time and experiences with Evan and could talk to, look at, and be with him all day! The families are righ there with us. The grandparents absolutely adore him, and I see a great deal of spoiling in his future. My siblings love having a nephew to swoon over as well. He is the first grandchild for my parents and it's been fun to watch how the family is playing into these new roles they have. And I have no words for how wonderful it is to see Russ with him. From day one Russ has been there 100% for me and Evan. I was slightly worried that he wouldn't feel that connection right away, but he did and he is such an amazing father! Evan calms in his arms, cuddles up to him to sleep, and throws out the biggest smiles and coos when Russ talks to him. Russ is certainly a blessing to have in my life, and now for Evan. I love it all!

So, in short, our son is awesome and we can't get enough of him! We will love and relish this time we have with him as he grows :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Last Post

Well this is it! We are heading into the Labor and Delivery wing of the hospital at 5AM tomorrow morning for Jackie to be induced. It's funny when you look back, it definitely doesn't feel like it has been nine months. We have become accustomed to the belly, and all the things that come with a pregnancy that I think sometimes we forget that it eventually ends and a new life begins.
I think I can speak for both of us when I say we have enjoyed this pregnancy. Sure you say, its easy for me to say I wasn't growing a kid. True, but in conversations with Jackie I know that she has truly enjoyed being pregnant, and has felt incredibly blessed by such a healthy pregnancy. Its funny because the book we read week by week addressed something every week that could potentially be a problem while being pregnant. It made it very easy to focus on the problems and worry about the what-ifs. Thankfully we are not worriers by nature, and therefore didn't focus on those things, but rather how truly blessed we felt by what I would consider a near perfect pregnancy. I know that Jackie has enjoyed the process of growing the little guy, and growing that bond that mother and baby share. I too, have enjoyed taking care of her (and him), and contributing to both of their well being. Whether it was making sure she got enough calcium, or helping her with household work, or just being there for her, I really feel like we have done a good portion of this together-at least as much as I can given that only one of us is growing a human :)
As a final note we just want to say thanks! We have received TONS of compliments, and kind words, many generous gifts, and tremendous support from family and friends alike. It really is a great testament to the people in our lives who have shown us how fortunate we are to have such caring people looking out for us. We are very appreciative of everything all of you have done-so thanks!
Please understand if we dont return texts right away, or take a little longer to get to voice-mails or calls, we're gonna be figuring this out as we go! And please understand if we dont have a 24 hour open door policy for visitors. We want nothing more than to share our miracle with you, but we (especially mom) will need some private time when we can grab it. But we definitely want anyone who wants to visit to do so! Just please call first :)
Well, if you are looking for by the minute updates, I will do my best on Facebook and Twitter (@numba1nutt), and will send pictures to this blog from my phone when I can. All of this after we enjoy our first moments as a family together of course! Thanks again to everyone for all of your support, and we look forward to sharing our newest member of the family with you just as soon as we possibly can.
Much Love,
Russ & Jackie

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Latest

Hi Friends,
I didnt realize the blog hasnt been updated in nearly a month until it was subtly brought to my attention by my wife and a few faithful readers! Very sorry about that! As you can imagine life has been kinda crazy in these last months getting ready for the baby. Jackie was in two weddings in June, and we also put a fence in our back yard over the last couple of weeks. We also attended our birthing class, and had a baby shower as well. So yeah, June was a busy month!

The fence was a real challenge to put in. If you ever do one, I highly recommend getting a person involved that has already done work like that before. But not me, I am not for hire! It took us two weeks, putting it up in one to two hour time frames nearly every day, but we got it! Here is a picture of the finished product.

This can legitimately be shared on the baby blog because the baby was really half of the reason we decided to do this (the other half being our dogs). We thought it would be nice to have a backyard where he can run around and we dont have to worry about him falling off of the humongous hill next to the house, or go running after a little creature into the woods!  The posts still need evened off, but it serves its function of containing what's inside, and that works for us!

Birthing Class
We decided because of my schedule to do our birthing class in one eight hour sitting on a Saturday. By the sentence alone it sounds pretty grueling, but actually we both really enjoyed it. I dont think Jackie made too many friends by telling that she experienced zero sickness and zero problems with her pregnancy thus far (!). A lot of women in there seemed to have a lot of problems, which was a bit of an eye opener for us, since Jackie has been blessed with almost no problems whatsoever during the pregnancy. Some of the things you heard were kind of crazy, but also made us very thankful that we have been so fortunate through this time.
We both learned a lot in the class, and Im glad we went. They talked a lot about what to look for during the pregnancy that could be problematic, how to prepare to go to the hospital, what to expect when you come home, these kinds of things. We also spent a period of time talking about things that babies commonly get during the first few months of life, as well as how to prepare for labor, how to get through labor, all the things that go with going through labor! It really was very helpful and informative. We even got to practice giving a baby (doll) a bath, and swaddling it. A skill I clearly had yet to acquire! We also got to tour a birthing suite at the hospital and even see a baby that was born that morning. All very exciting things! A lot of people told us it would be a long day and we would dread it, but overall I think we both took a lot away from it and are glad we went.

Our shower in Mount Vernon was last month as well. Jackie had three co-workers that really are the sweetest ladies you could meet that offered to throw us this shower. We were so thankful for their generosity of doing this. It was a very fun time! Lots of fun sweets to eat, and we were literally showered with many amazing gifts from all of our friends. There was plenty of Indians gear, a Diaper Cake (non-edible version), and a hand painted picture just to name a few of the unique gifts. We really were thankful to all who came, especially the folks who came from out of town (Allie/Doug and Dustin/Emily in particular!). Here are a few pictures from the day 
The Diaper Cake

The Cake you could actually eat!

Cutting the cake

It's a tough life being a Cleveland fan!

Some very cool block from Doug & Allie that you use the age progression photos.

At this point Jackie is doing well. She is consistently measuring three weeks ahead of schedule which means we may not have to wait until July 31st to meet this guy. The doctor has told us that if she doesnt start labor on her own by 7/31, he will induce her. He said he would like her to go full term if the baby will wait that long. But honestly, I think he is running out of room in there! Its funny because with all the medical technologies in the world and how advanced our society is, this whole event is still in the hands of a human who hasnt breathed a breath of of air on his own yet! So we wait, with great anticipation, until he arrives. I think Jackie looks FANTASTIC by the way! Its so funny because if you were walking behind her, you couldnt tell she is pregnant, she looks that good! She is literally all belly. Her weight gain has been right within the range of a normal pregnancy, so there isnt anything odd about that, but I just am so impressed with her figure every day. I could talk on and on about it, and how beautiful she is pregnant, but I wont bore you :)
Thanks for being faithful to our site during the pregnancy, we will try and make the updates more frequent in the last weeks here. I will leave you with a picture that confirms how fantastic she looks. Enjoy!

34 Weeks.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hooray for more baby pics today! :)
We got to see our little guy for the last time (maybe) before we meet him in person. It was an amazing experience as usual and it makes the anticipation for him to arrive all the worse! The lab tech was wonderful and answered our many questions, which we typically have. One of my questions was whether or not we could see if he had hair, and sure enough she found it and pointed it out for us :) It was like a fun game to see what we could find and explore. She was a good sport and so was the little man. It was amazing to even see how he has grown since the last ultrasound. He is so filled out, and looking at his face really looked like we were seeing him, not always that creepy alien looking form.
According to the computer, calculating all of his measurements puts him at about 5 1/2 pounds this 32nd week of pregnancy. Either we are going to have a porker on our hands, or he is coming early. We start to see the doctor bi-weekly now and we will be sure to be discussing this! If baby keeps growing at this rate, I will not look forward to delivering an 11 or 12 pound baby!
What a wonderful time in our lives to experience this wonderful miracle. I have heard time and time again that I am going to miss this when it's gone, and I know for sure that I will. But we are definitely ready to meet him and we find ourselves thinking of the time often. There just aren't words to describe the wonderful and special miracle of growing and nurturing a human life that you created. When he comes out, he will have all the necessary skills and abilities to survive and it's because of my body and care for him over these past months of development. Crazy! I hope to just be able to nurture and support him in his life after birth, giving him a positive, loving, and safe world to grow in. Can't wait to be a mom and dad along with Russ. He's going to be amazing and I can't wait to see him realize his talents and abilities too! Love it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's Been Going On!

Hi Folks!
Its been a while-and an even longer while since you've heard from me! I feel like not a lot, and a whole bunch has been going on all at the same time in getting prepared for the arrival of this baby. Not a lot in the department of doctor's visits (missed my first one-bummed out by that) have all been concluded with the same thing: "keep up the good work". While the Doctor is super laid back, even for him this is uneventful. It's a little unnerving, but then again a very big blessing that there is nothing wrong. The baby is growing and growing though! Jackie entered her third tri-mester this week, which is absolutely crazy! More behind us than ahead!! We both have enjoyed this journey thus far, Jackie I'm sure more so with all the unique experiences she has had. But to think that in a little less than three months, our baby will finally be here is absolutely mind-blowing!

A lot has been going on in preparation for his arrival. The biggest event is that we turned our home office into his room. We took advantage of Jackie's spring break time and assembled all the furniture, painted the room, and put up the chair rail molding also. Here are some pictures, even though they dont give you the full experience!

Before and after  (its just one corner, but it gives you an idea)

We had a ton of fun doing that. The best part was also learning some things along the way about home improvement (cutting that molding with a couple of crooked corners was no walk in the park!). But the most rewarding part was that we did it ourselves. Its silly, but it means more to us this way.  And while I know I am flirting with the possibility that I have put every single piece of clothing we have bought so far up here, there is one more I cannot resist!

Just to be clear, that is a peanut! Thanks to Jackie's sister Alyssa for this one-of-a-kind purchase! It couldn't be more perfect! 

The last picture to share is a fun one! In our weekly readings, via emails and our book, when we found out that he could finally hear things through the belly, my mind went immediately to music. Some of you may or may not know that I am preparing to go back to finish my music ed degree this fall. So to say music is an important part of my life is quite an understatement! So naturally one evening, with Fred Waring on the brain (google it if you dont know!) I gave him his first taste of choral majesty

And while I'll never know for sure how much he liked it, Jackie did say he was quite active when I took the headphones off, which, naturally, could only mean he was upset the music was over! 

Next month is a busy month-we have our Mount Vernon shower here in town, Jackie is in two weddings (you're welcome for the cash flow, alterations lady!), and our birthing classes as well! So I fear June will fly by. July is full of significant dates as well-Cleveland shower, our five year anniversary, my parents anniversary, and my dad's birthday. Which to me really equates to August is literally around the corner, which means this baby is also literally around the corner! And to be honest, I couldn't be more excited about that! When we first found out Jackie was pregnant, I wrestled with the fact that I wasn't completely in love with the kid from day one. My excitement was sometimes overtaken by fear,anxiety, nervousness, or even sometimes fright. But in these last two to three weeks things have changed. I feel an attachment beginning to form, the foundation of a bond being created. Its a wonderful feeling, and I literally cannot wait to hold our baby in my arms!
Thanks for being faithful readers. Sorry we haven't been daily or even weekly updaters, but we appreciate your faithfulness and hope you enjoy our random rants, and crazy pictures!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

24 Weeks and Growing!

20 Weeks

Time is a flyin!!

I can't believe that we are at 24 weeks already! In the beginning, nine months seems like such a long time, but turns's not. So much has been done to get ready for baby in the last few weeks. I was on spring break, so we got to work on the nursery :) We got the painting done, crib and dresser set up, and moved the dogs out of "their room" to a new "spot" in the house, quite a confusing experience for them. We are one construction task away from having the room done, then comes sprucing up the room with decor, curtains, re-covering the rocker, and a rug. I'm trying to get back into the mode of taking pictures all of the time, in prep for when the peanutt is here!
Last doc appt. marked the beginning of measuring my belly with a tape measure. Rest assured, I will have plenty new questions for the doc at our next visit. It's been easy for awhile, not much to comment on. Since he made a note on my chart that I like to ask questions, I may as well live up to it ;)
We completed our registries at Burlington's Baby Depot and Babies R Us. We split it into two days, but it was still an exhausting experience! I intend on going back and looking over the registries to refresh my mind at what we chose. So much to look at and think about! **note to dad...don't go lookin at the registries or you will know the gender!** And with the registries we have set dates for our showers. Very much looking forward to celebrating with family and friends!
Baby has been moving like no other!! I LOVE IT! I got to see my stomach move with his/her movements for the first neat. And the kicks and movements are getting stronger. I certainly don't feel alone anymore when Russ is at work knowing that he/she is very much alive inside. It's hard not to be in love with him/her already :) Russ got to feel the kicks and movement very clearly for the first time in the last few weeks and my sister got to have a wonderful experience of going along to the doctor with us and feeling the baby. I'm sure it weirded her out.
Well, for now, that's the update of prepping for little peanutt and as soon as the room is finished we will post our exciting changes!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Whole Lotta Change Goin On!

Well...we are just a few days from being half way to the finish and it is so hard to believe that the time has come! I have been very blessed to have a healthy, feelin-good pregnancy and have been able to enjoy every second of it. There have been so many moments of emotion that I cannot put into words.
I have definitely been popping out in the last few weeks. As my mother so lovingly put it last week, "I'm big". Not that I feel I need to justify a prego belly, but I was not blessed with a long torso, therefore, this pregnancy is bound to be nothing but boobs and belly. Just the plight of my life ;)
Little baby began moving about 3 weeks ago and it is a feeling that I want to have all of the time! The feeling is amazing, precious, unbelievable, special, surreal, fun, and so many other things that I dont' have words for. I would always imagine baby in there moving around, how it was positioned, what was kicking/poking, punching me. And at our last ultrasound, I got to watch baby move and feel it at the same time. So precious! (Just and FYI...if you're wondering why I refer to the baby as "baby" instead of "he" or "she", it is because my dad has decided that he does not want to know the gender and we are humoring it for however long it lasts. So in order for him to keep updated, peanutt will be "baby". * love you dad :)) Just the other day, I felt a kick from the outside! Hopefully Russ is close to feeling our little one moving around...can't wait! Needless to say we are still in awe and amazed again and again at the events taking place. Tomorrow is bound to be a super splurge to purchase baby items and spoil our 19 week in the womb baby :) Time's a flyin!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Bump-18 Weeks

18 Weeks and feeling great!

The Latest Ultrasound

Today was the latest ultrasound! We had so much fun spending not quite 45 minutes getting to see baby Nutt! We got to see legs, feet, hands, arms, face, spine, head, and all the fun insides! Here a few pictures from the day!

And the one you've all been waiting for!
Click here to find out the gender of Baby Nutt!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our First Major Purchase

Last weekend Jackie and I ventured into the world of Babies R Us and let me tell you that place is something! They literally have everything! It was like the Sam's Club of baby stuff! We had a blast looking at all the potential things we will need. Somehow we went just to look around and ended up buying the baby furniture! Here are some pictures:

Here it is as the crib

then the day bed,

then the full size bed.

And here is the dresser that we got to go with it.

There were a lot of options, choices, and prices that were all over the place (started at $189 for the crib, all the way up to $449). But we thought this set was a nice looking, durable, and not over-priced for what we were getting (we went in the middle of the price range for those of you currently shopping). They are still in boxes, but we will definitely update you on how the assembly and final product turn out! Overall, it was a relief to finally get these after all the looking, searching, and being overwhelmed with all the choices and options! But we are pretty excited with our decision and cant wait to finally start putting this kid's room together! 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Baby Clothes!

So we have had a BLAST looking at/shopping for baby clothes! It would be so easy to buy all of the ones we see, but then we remember we need to eat, pay bills, etc. thus our restraint! But I thought it would be fun to share some that we have chosen to get, as well as a couple that were gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Nutt! I mean, what else is the internet for but for expectant parents to clog it with pictures of their to-be children's clothes, right??!
You can click on any of them for a larger view

This was Jackie's Pick

This was mine!

A good pick up at Target for $1!

Jackie Insisted. (grandparents gift #1)

Our first purchase!!!!

It says "You Quack Me Up" (gift #2)
Also, please note fun Duck head booties!!

This one says "Doggone Cute"

And these are the hat, booties, and bib to match!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fun With the Camera

Enjoy :)

Latest Dr. Visit

We saw the Doctor today, he had nothing but good news! It really is refreshing to hear from him because (although I understand it to be a necessary evil) you read so much about what could happen during a pregnancy. All of the possible problems, chance of this, % of that, so it was nice to hear the doc ease our (mostly my) minds. Jackie has only gained five pounds since her first visit! Mostly attributed to (almost always) proper diet, and regular exercise, he seemed very pleased with this, as are we!

Also, more exciting news: our next visit is March 8th, and after our visit with the doctor, we will be able to have an ultrasound to show us the sex of the baby! We are so excited, and literally cannot wait to find out! There is a good chance we will enjoy the moment for a few days to ourselves, then share with the rest of the world. So please dont be offended if you dont find out right away. We just want to take a brief period of time to just enjoy this moment between the three of us :)

Not too much else to report. Jackie's bump is starting to show, we finally took pictures tonight! Check facebook for those, or I will most likely be posting them here as well.  Thanks to everyone for all of your feedback and experiences with products/items/etc. Youre contributions are invaluable and we would greatly appreciate it if you could continue doing so!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Has anyone ever heard of this?! Or known anyone who has done it?? It sounds WEIRD! Like eating the placenta after birth weird! I need thoughts people!!

Baby Cord Blood Bank

Internet Findings

Here's a cool website I found with a specific example of why I think it is cool!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Almost sold... seeking out info on diapers last week and spotting a few posts around facebook, I checked in to disposable/cloth diapers at I am not for the cloth diapers by any means, but I am very intrigued by the disposable concept. They are much more eco friendly and biodegradable. Cost seems to be comparable as well. We may be off the beaten path when it comes to diapers. I'm ok with it :) Check it out!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Study Guide: Week 13

Man oh man! I am finding out that on top of preparing mentally and physically for a new child, the process of learning how and what to prepare is a job all in itself. So, I will study up on why to get this diaper brand instead of the others. Why this pacifier is better than this one. Which bottle brand and why? And when I say I, it may very well mean Russ ;) He's much better and patient at doing research than I am!

Study guide for this week....diapers. Which brand? How much is too much? Sizes? I will explore and figure out the answers. This should be fun!

Next task...where and when to move the dogs out of the room they call theirs to make way for baby. This could be a rough transition!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Favorite Book

This book has been amazingly helpful and we would reccomend it to anyone having a baby.

Fun Shirt!

This was a shirt we found that wouldn't be season appropriate but was too fun not to take a picture of!
Sent from my BlackBerry

The Big News!

Well its true! After nearly five years of marriage, Jackie is pregnant! We found out Thanksgiving day and have been so excited ever since! We shared the news with our families, and a few co-workers, but held off sharing our news publicly to make sure we made it through the first trimester without complications. Since that has happened this week, (we are in week 12), we decided it was time to go public! Jackie has been doing excellent. In the words of her OB/GYN:"You are in the best possible condition you could be." The news doesn't get much better! She has had some nausea, but no real morning sickness or any other kind of ailment other than just constantly being tired (growing a human can do that to you!) We have had one ultrasound so far, not too much to see at this point, but they did locate a heartbeat and allow us to hear that. It is crazy to think that before there are eyes, fingers, or any other detail, the heart is beating and he/she is alive! Truly a miracle! We have decided we do want to know the gender of the baby our first time around. Since we are doing some room remodeling in the house, it would help us pick out a color scheme once we know. We are about eight weeks away from knowing, but we are definitely looking forward to that!
We will do our best to provide updates of the going's on of the pregancy here as often as we can. We thought it would be a fun way to keep our friends and family posted. As well as share fun moments, unique things, and just the overall excitement we are going through as we are getting ready for our first child.
If you are wondering, Jackie is due August 4th. We have been blessed with great health and a successful first trimester, and we pray that continues. Feel free to leave comments or questions, and we look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
Russ & Jackie
