
Friday, March 12, 2010

A Whole Lotta Change Goin On!

Well...we are just a few days from being half way to the finish and it is so hard to believe that the time has come! I have been very blessed to have a healthy, feelin-good pregnancy and have been able to enjoy every second of it. There have been so many moments of emotion that I cannot put into words.
I have definitely been popping out in the last few weeks. As my mother so lovingly put it last week, "I'm big". Not that I feel I need to justify a prego belly, but I was not blessed with a long torso, therefore, this pregnancy is bound to be nothing but boobs and belly. Just the plight of my life ;)
Little baby began moving about 3 weeks ago and it is a feeling that I want to have all of the time! The feeling is amazing, precious, unbelievable, special, surreal, fun, and so many other things that I dont' have words for. I would always imagine baby in there moving around, how it was positioned, what was kicking/poking, punching me. And at our last ultrasound, I got to watch baby move and feel it at the same time. So precious! (Just and FYI...if you're wondering why I refer to the baby as "baby" instead of "he" or "she", it is because my dad has decided that he does not want to know the gender and we are humoring it for however long it lasts. So in order for him to keep updated, peanutt will be "baby". * love you dad :)) Just the other day, I felt a kick from the outside! Hopefully Russ is close to feeling our little one moving around...can't wait! Needless to say we are still in awe and amazed again and again at the events taking place. Tomorrow is bound to be a super splurge to purchase baby items and spoil our 19 week in the womb baby :) Time's a flyin!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Bump-18 Weeks

18 Weeks and feeling great!

The Latest Ultrasound

Today was the latest ultrasound! We had so much fun spending not quite 45 minutes getting to see baby Nutt! We got to see legs, feet, hands, arms, face, spine, head, and all the fun insides! Here a few pictures from the day!

And the one you've all been waiting for!
Click here to find out the gender of Baby Nutt!
