
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Study Guide: Week 13

Man oh man! I am finding out that on top of preparing mentally and physically for a new child, the process of learning how and what to prepare is a job all in itself. So, I will study up on why to get this diaper brand instead of the others. Why this pacifier is better than this one. Which bottle brand and why? And when I say I, it may very well mean Russ ;) He's much better and patient at doing research than I am!

Study guide for this week....diapers. Which brand? How much is too much? Sizes? I will explore and figure out the answers. This should be fun!

Next task...where and when to move the dogs out of the room they call theirs to make way for baby. This could be a rough transition!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Favorite Book

This book has been amazingly helpful and we would reccomend it to anyone having a baby.

Fun Shirt!

This was a shirt we found that wouldn't be season appropriate but was too fun not to take a picture of!
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The Big News!

Well its true! After nearly five years of marriage, Jackie is pregnant! We found out Thanksgiving day and have been so excited ever since! We shared the news with our families, and a few co-workers, but held off sharing our news publicly to make sure we made it through the first trimester without complications. Since that has happened this week, (we are in week 12), we decided it was time to go public! Jackie has been doing excellent. In the words of her OB/GYN:"You are in the best possible condition you could be." The news doesn't get much better! She has had some nausea, but no real morning sickness or any other kind of ailment other than just constantly being tired (growing a human can do that to you!) We have had one ultrasound so far, not too much to see at this point, but they did locate a heartbeat and allow us to hear that. It is crazy to think that before there are eyes, fingers, or any other detail, the heart is beating and he/she is alive! Truly a miracle! We have decided we do want to know the gender of the baby our first time around. Since we are doing some room remodeling in the house, it would help us pick out a color scheme once we know. We are about eight weeks away from knowing, but we are definitely looking forward to that!
We will do our best to provide updates of the going's on of the pregancy here as often as we can. We thought it would be a fun way to keep our friends and family posted. As well as share fun moments, unique things, and just the overall excitement we are going through as we are getting ready for our first child.
If you are wondering, Jackie is due August 4th. We have been blessed with great health and a successful first trimester, and we pray that continues. Feel free to leave comments or questions, and we look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
Russ & Jackie
